Josephine County Search and Rescue (SAR)

Josephine County Sheriff’s SEARCH & RESCUE DIVISION

The Josephine County Sheriff’s Patrol Search & Rescue was incorporated as a legal unit in March of 1967. This all volunteer, not-for-profit, non-political organization is not funded by any agency or county general fund dollars.

The Sheriff is responsible for every search in Josephine County, as provided under ORS 401, therefore, every active member of this organization is deputized. Subsequently, only those of high moral standards and driven to help others are accepted.

Each active member has their own personal equipment with additions provided by the organization. Members of this organization are represented from all walks of life; willing to go on-call whenever needed, day or night. Josephine County Search & Rescue is an all-weather, versatile unit, equipped with everything needed to conduct a well organized search. The individuals have proven themselves available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at no cost to the county.

In addition to active duty members, Search & Rescue has specialty teams for specialized rescue situations. These teams include: the Swiftwater Rescue Team, Dive Team, Mountain Rescue Team and Confined Space/Technical Rescue Team.

Every Member of the Josephine County Sheriff’s SEARCH & RESCUE Division must meet certain standards and training to ensure a safe and successful search and/or rescue. The standards are developed and maintained by the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association (OSSA). These certification standards are the minimum which meet state requirements of the Office of Emergency Management and still allow the flexibility for the specific needs or conditions in which our ground personnel operate. The OSSA certification standards are the minimum standards for SAR personnel who will be involved in the field with ground SAR operations as well.

For more information about the Josephine County Search and Rescue,
see Josephine County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue Division